Méndez Hospital Equino



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CALCALNEAL BURSAL is a synovial structure located at the tip of the hock whose function is to prevent friction of the superficial digital flexor tendon, gastrocnemius tendon and the calcaneal bone itself. When this structure becomes inflamed, it is usually because one of the tendons is injured and there is excessive friction between them.

We present here an interesting case operated this week. This animal suffered a trauma to the hock 2 months ago and since then had an inflamed calcaneal bursa. We performed radiographs and ultrasound of the area, where we were able to diagnose a tear of the gastrocnemius tendon. We then took him to the operating room to perform a bursoscopy to remove the torn tendon and clean the fibrin bursa.

Minimally invasive surgery returns horses to sport quickly and effectively, without wasting time or money. However, a quick and accurate diagnosis is required.


Méndez Hospital Equino

Hospital Equino